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Potek nastavitve DD-WRT hotspota
DD-WRT operacijski sistem za routerje uporablja staro verzijo chilispot za hotspot. Če želite omoočiti paypal plačevanje DD-WRT z chilispotom ne bo moboče.
Nasnamite si raje WorldSpot firmware.
Za postavitev hotspota najprej potrebujete internetno povezavo. Povezava mora biti ethernet plug.
Če nimate primernega routerja, bodite previdni pri nakupu novega, ki naj bo združljiv z željeno opremo. Največ se uporablja linksys WRT54GL (črka L pomeni(Linux) in je zelo pomembna). Ni najboljši ampak je ugoden in dostopen.
Namestitev novega firmwera DD-WRT na vaš router je preprost. Vseeno pa bodite pazljivi, saj vam lahko namestite uniči router in v nekaterih primerih z tem dejanjem zubimo garancijo.
WorldSpot.net ni odgovoren za vaš router
Namestitev DD-WRT
Prvo preverite, če je vaš router na seznamu routerjev in ima 4MB flasha. Seznam routerjev.
POMEMBNO: Routerji, ki imajo 2MB flasha ne morejo imeti chilispota, ki ga za hotspot potrebujemo.
Preberite navodila za namestitev novega firmweara..
Presnamite DD-WRT V23SP2 tukaj (DD-WRT V24 bo lahko deloval, vendar so možne tudi težave)
Slediti morate navodilom DD-WRT namestitvene stran..
Odgovore na vaša vprašanja poiščite na forumu.
Ureditev DD-WRT
Ko imate na routerju nameščen DD-WRT.
- Povežite internet (WAN) port z mašim modemom ali routerjem. (POMEMBNO hotspot točka ne deluje, ko ste povezani z LAN povezavo)
- Povežite vaš računalnik za prostim LAN vklopom. (onemogočite statični ip in nastavite dhcp)
- Povežite se s svojim routerjem preko naslova, (login: root, password: admin)
Preverite, če se lahko povežete z internetom. Če ne uredite, da bo internet deloval.
- Čeje že imate router in ima ta enak naslov kot 192.168.1.x ga spremenite na
- Ko vam internet deluje, uredite še brezžično povezavo (wirless). Izklopite encryption, dostop z geslom.
- Preverite, če lahko dostopate do interneta preko wirlessa.
Če vse deluje vključite chilispot v nastavitvah Administration/Hotspot/Chillispot
(navodilo je v angleščini)
- Enable chillispot
- Enable "Separate wifi from the lan bridge": This enable your wired lan to connect directly to the internet without going through chillispot. Your LAN is also protected from your wifi users.
- On DHCP interface, select WLAN. (This setting depends on the hardware and the dd-wrt firmware version. It could be eth1 or wl.0)
- Set Radius server 1 to be the ip address of a your primary radius server
- Set Radius server 2 to be the ip address of a your secondary radius server (use the same as server 1 or leave the zeros if you only have one)
- Set dns server to be the ip address of a dns server
- In Shared Key, put your radius secret password
- Radius NASID is the radius name of your hotspot
- Redirect Url is the address of the Uam Server, the web authentication portal.
- UAM Secret is a secret password between the Redirect Url and the hotspot.
- UAM Allowed is a list of website that unauthenticated users are allowed to use.
- Save and reboot your router
- Your hotspot should work now. If you tested your wifi device before setting up chillispot, restart it to get the new chillispot IPs.
All your computers connected on the LAN ports will be protected from your hotspot users.
Note: Theses instructions should also work with DD-WRT v24beta. This new release brings a new very cool feature.
The multiple SSID allows to have several virtual wifi networks. One unencrypted for your hotspot users, one encrypted for your private use, (maybe one more encrypted also for your hotspot users... this will be tested in the future). Note that v24 is still beta and not yet released!